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Zero Waste: Feeling Good with Filling Good

Find out how your local community is working towards a zero waste lifestyle and claim your discount at Filling Good to help get you started

How Does The Waste Issue Affect You Locally?

Waste is a global issue. And also, a local one. Did you know that England could fill its largest lake, (Lake Windermere) in just 8 months. The waste we generate in the borough is either recycled or burnt, meaning that even after we have consumed something and put it in the bin, our waste is still polluting the air and producing greenhouse gases, even in the case of recycling.

Through a zero waste lifestyle, individuals can take action to refuse the unnecessary, reduce their consumption, reuse what they already have. And then, if nothing else was possible, to recycle and rot what is left. It is a way to take action against pollution and climate change.

Filling Good Maidenhead

Filling Good is Maidenhead’s community zero waste store. Not-for-profit and primarily run by volunteers, the store's purpose is to educate on the importance and practicalities of creating less waste while getting our community going on their refill journey. They provide a vast choice of refill options and have lots of other sustainable alternative products including gifts & cosmetics. We are delighted to team up with them in the quest to minimise local waste.

PBM Discount

If you are local and it's your first visit, you can refill using the code FGPADDLE10 for a 10% discount. We love buying unpackaged organic dried fruit and nuts to snack on between paddles and swear by the eco-friendly cleaning products and brushes for keeping our equipment sparkling. Just remember to take along empty containers and bottles when you shop.

We are very aware that most paddlers are nature lovers and hate seeing plastic floating in our waterways. There are a number of ways that we can protect nature further while we are paddling. Here are our top three tips:

1. Pledge to pick up litter as you paddle. #2minutelitterpick is an initiative set up by the 2 Minute Foundation that encourages everyone to spend just 2 minutes picking up litter outdoors. You can post photos of your finds on social media using the #2minutelitterpick hashtag.

2. Don't take plastics onto the water if they could easily blow away. Choose refillable containers and pack them with dried fruit, nuts or homemade treats for a healthy energy hit.

3. Ensure you wash down your board and equipment with eco-friendly products after you paddle.

Visit Them In Store

Pop in and meet the lovely volunteers at Filling Good the next time you are in town at 22 High Street, Maidenhead (opposite Sports Direct). Open Tuesday - Saturday 10-5 and Sundays 11-3, it really is one of the most delightful shops in town.

Just remember to tell them we sent you and use your discount code (FGPADDLE10) to join the zero waste movement!

Facebook / Insta : fillinggoodltd


07505 147957 

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